Bulk Transport
GCA Logistics has its foundation in servicing the rural sector.
We have since expanded into bulk cartage of all products including aggregates for civil/forestry, soils and composts, stockfeeds, sealing chip, woodchips and harvest products.
We specialise in fertiliser cartage to farmers bins throughout the Gisborne region, from local fert stores or further afield in Hawkes Bay, Bay of Plenty and beyond. We have formed a reputation for prompt service and have completed many large orders within days of them being placed for clients far afield. We also have dropside configurations for wool posts and bales.
We cart milk seasonally throughout the Waikato, and our Harvest division explains further the tasks we undertake for cropping clients.
Forest Transport
GCA Logistics undertakes a range of transport operations in forest environments.
We operate 3 binwood trucks in a developing part of the East Coast supply chain - the cartage of slash and binwood to a chipper. This is an active solution in decreasing harvest residues left on skid sites and creates value and jobs. The wood-chip produced is used for fibre board and pulp production in mills across the north island.
We are contracted to the leading log transport company of Gisborne, Pacific Haulage Limited, and have three trucks working for them. We cart logs of all grades from forests across the East Coast to the Gisborne Port, local mills and beyond.
GCA has a salvage excavator that operates in forests across the Gisborne region which undertakes firewood salvage for local wood merchants as well as residue recovery to ensure forests and skid sites are left clean.
Impacts to the environment are minimised and value extraction is maximised. A win/win in every sense.
Harvest Transport
We contract to local processors in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay, carting peas 24/7 from as far afield as Manawatu. This takes place throughout November/December and January.
We cart Sweetcorn for processors in Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. This harvest season which generally runs from January to April, sees us working throughout the Gisborne, Hawkes Bay and Manawatu regions.
We subcontract to large transport operators, carting harvest grapes across Gisborne and Hawkes Bay throughout February and March.
We cart maize from Gisborne and Wairoa to local locations as well as those further afield, all across the North Island.
We subcontract to large transport operators based in Waikato, carting milk products throughout the North Island from September to December.
We cart harvest waste products from factories to dairy farms as stockfeed. This includes squash rejects, sweetcorn silage, paste from the processing of a range of fruit/vegetables, citrus and kiwifruit rejects. Enquire with us for pricing and availability.